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What's in your back garden?

You need to read 12 days on the somme. It was generally 4 days in forward reserve, followed by four days in front trenches followed by 4 days in rear reserve and then out of the front line for up to 12 days or more depending upon High command. the last 4 days would be classed as rest but was generally used for work parties etc.

Unlike the frogs, who would put a battalion in the line until it bled out and then replace it. And then wondered why they had a mutiny.
Back to the video/news item folks.

Robertshaw the owner of the WW1 trench is a very serious military historian ( just watch some of the history channel programs on SKY etc) and is the 'top knob' on history within the RLC etc.

A great guy - so do not 'diss' him please.

Used to work in the National Army Museum before becoming curator of the RLC museum. I recall him proceeding around NAM at a great rate of knots having mislaid his passport on the day of a family holiday. A nice chap all in all, and good at his job.