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What about this video eh?

Can we drop the PC shit and as soldiers, cheer on our comrades please?

These people deserve to die and they were put out of their misery. What's so lurid about it?
Apache. 30 mm. 310 rounds to 280 or so. Fantastic arc at around 2-3 km distance, so far the muj couldn't hear them. Targeting is fantastic. Raining death.
USMarineX said:
Can we drop the PC s*** and as soldiers, cheer on our comrades please?

These people deserve to die and they were put out of their misery. What's so lurid about it?

Its not PC shite mate.

Its just that Brits dont tend to glorify death regardless who is on the end of the 'good news'.

Not British old bean.
USMarineX said:
Can we drop the PC s*** and as soldiers, cheer on our comrades please?

These people deserve to die and they were put out of their misery. What's so lurid about it?

What Flashy said.

Oh and you're a cock.
More of the same mate, good on the Yanks. Keep up the good work. And for the queasy English, dont think for one second that there isnt any Brit versions out there, probably twice as bad as that one. The realities of war im afraid. Better them than us.
leonidas42 said:
More of the same mate, good on the Yanks. Keep up the good work. And for the queasy English, dont think for one second that there isnt any Brit versions out there, probably twice as bad as that one. The realities of war im afraid. Better them than us.

Youre right but why should we turn war into a spectator sport purely for entertainment?

The old addage of what happens in war should stay in war.

Unless you've actually been in the situation of action, there is no need of reminders or turning it into some sort of rubbernecking.