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Transfer to Canadian Forces


Old Salt

Can anyone tell me if they know of anyone who transferred to the Canadian forces as an Officer, and if so, how they did it?


I know of one or two who joined the CF reserve force as Officers. (having been commissioned in UK foces previously)

Place to start would be to contact a Canadian Forces recruiting centre.
I don't think though that it would be a 'transfer' as such, rather joining having prior service.
I joined the Canadian Army reserve after leaving the British army in 93(still in), bottom line is you cannot transfer, your have to go through the recuiting process as a normal applicant.

This can be and is a pain to do.

I live in a city where lots of brits retire after there time in the Army and believe me we have a hell of a time trying to get them in to the Army reserve here.
Friend of mine tried to do it a couple of years ago and it all went t1ts up at the last minute. I spent 2 years working with them as an Exchange Officer - best advice is stay where you are or go for the Australians who are actively recruiting for Brits.