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today i c ant stops saying

"SODDING" now i notice that i have been writing it a lot as well ... do you have days like this ? It all started when the drawer from a bathroom unit feel on my sodding foot to.. there you go i dun it again .
Today, I couldn't stop saying 'absolutely ******* threaders with this shit'. In fact, I haven't been able to stop saying that for the past 2 months. Funny that...
Today I have mostly been saying: "I am abolutely fed up with the ******* amateur bullshit that these Bottom feeding oxygen thieving cnuts of civil servants keep spouting." Or a variation of.

Oh and: "If that **** in charge of the project team asks for any more data, with a trite "I know you're busy, but I must have it by this afternoon", I am going to get in the car and drive down there and peel his pasty useless face with a dinner fork and wear it for a jockstrap". Except I only said it once because my boss made me cup of tea and gave me a cake. and that made me calm down a bit.
I say **** a lot, this normally coincides with me reading your posts. ****!

still coming in here with an empty brain you bow legged son of a twopenny strumpet .
I wouldn't mind but you don't have the ******* intellect for decent banter just puerile abuse . go ******* die an give the rest of us a break will you . In a caring way of course .
still coming in here with an empty brain you bow legged son of a twopenny strumpet .
I wouldn't mind but you don't have the ******* intellect for decent banter just puerile abuse . go ******* die an give the rest of us a break will you . In a caring way of course .

Noticed any signs of the onset of Dementia in your twilight years yet Sir?
In a care in the community way of course.

Nurse! He's out again.