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Rickets Found In Cardiff

"You get women living in certain communities that perhaps don't go out much because of religious, cultural traditions.

"They're covered up when they do. They don't get enough access to sunlight. So they get vitamin D deficient."

Why can't they bring themselves to say precisely which communities?
perhaps they aren't taking the free vitamin drops that the NHS provide for kids or maybe they aren't using butter or breakfast cereals or maybe it's saying covering yourself in a head to toe blanket is bad.
"You get women living in certain communities that perhaps don't go out much because of religious, cultural traditions.

"They're covered up when they do. They don't get enough access to sunlight. So they get vitamin D deficient."

Why can't they bring themselves to say precisely which communities?

I worked it out too.
"You get women living in certain communities that perhaps don't go out much because of religious, cultural traditions.

"They're covered up when they do. They don't get enough access to sunlight. So they get vitamin D deficient."

Why can't they bring themselves to say precisely which communities?

Ha ha good one! Sunlight - In Wales!?! :)