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Mess Dress Help


War hero
I have bought a set of second hand mess dress in top condition.

However I still need to get boots, shirt and bowtie. Where is the best place to get them?

Also do you wear badges on mess dress other than rank ie, Skill At Arms?
Try eBay or a Mess Outfitters. Your unit probably has a preferred one. Goldings and The Mess Dress crop up quite often, but there are heaps of others.
That's because you don't have a job when not on ops and can spend endless hours in the office bulling them. Or do you get one of the junior ranks to do them?

fair one, and it only takes one mess function and one pissed twat to step on them and its back to square one.......PATENT is for winners......unless you happen to get off of bullshit!
Thanks for all the advice. I ordered from Mess Dress and had the items within 2 days.

Will keep the others in mind for when I inevitably ruin my shirt with a slight spillage of alcohol!