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London Musings...

I always seem to pick the worst trial shifts. Another 7hr shift serving to pissed (the British usage) Londoners and now I am knackered. Trying to make sense of drunk people is hilarious when you are sober - I keep realizing. I was one of them.

The Offspring and I made a Greens Velvety cheesecake! This should go well after nachos!
Probably don't - so clue me in.
For better or worse, what you consider as your musings in America, in the UK it comes across as moaning, whining, whinging, and so on. You start a thread about it, and personally I thought it was going to be more about your observations of London, not so much an open blog.
You start a thread about it, and personally I thought it was going to be more about your observations of London, not so much an open blog.

Well, I have no shame in openly blogging about both my personal tales and my observations about London - I find London a very fascinating place - just like NYC - another place I spent a good amount of time in. Though, yellow cabs there are quite a bit cheaper than the black cabs here. The black cabs here, by mile wise, are one of the most expensive (if not the most) transportation methods ever. That's an observation for you.
Well, I have no shame in openly blogging about both my personal tales and my observations about London - I find London a very fascinating place - just like NYC - another place I spent a good amount of time in. Though, yellow cabs there are quite a bit cheaper than the black cabs here. The black cabs here, by mile wise, are one of the most expensive (if not the most) transportation methods ever. That's an observation for you.
True about the taxis, I’ve spent times in both cities, except London drivers don’t smell quite as bad as their NYC counterparts, close, but not quite.