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IDF shoot 60-2,000 wounded.

Pretty much any part that was implemented by the likes of the Soviet Union, DDR, Poland, the Czech republic etc - or did they have 'The wrong sort of Marxist-Leninism? (c) Bugsy
Marx and his theory was ALL about CLASS struggle and not about RACIAL struggle, Early on in LENINIST USSR churches and religion were banned as the emphesis was on taking back from the Bourgeoisie the means of production to deny them the means to acumulate wealth which included the Religions andtheir wealth, it had NOTHING whatsoever to do with Ethnicity as it encompassed ALL of the Proletariat.
Bourgeoisie - Wikipedia
Fair enough...but it typical for left wingers not to see their own antisemitsm. They can't even recognise National Socialism as on of their own for starters
See there you go again National SOCIALISM had nothing to do with Marxist principles :- Wiki
Nazism rejected the Marxist concept of internationalist class struggle, but supported the "class struggle between nations", and sought to resolve internal class struggle in the nation while it identified Germany as a proletarian nation fighting against plutocratic nations.[15]

The Nazi Party had many working-class supporters and members, and a strong appeal to the middle class. The financial collapse of the white collar middle-class of the 1920s figures much in their strong support of Nazism.[16] In the poor country that was the Weimar Republic of the early 1930s, the Nazi Party realised their socialist policies with food and shelter for the unemployed and the homeless—who were later recruited into the Brownshirt Sturmabteilung (SA – Storm Detachments).[16]

Hitler was impressed by the populist antisemitism and the anti-liberal bourgeois agitation of Karl Lueger, who as the mayor of Vienna during Hitler's time in the city used a rabble-rousing style of oratory that appealed to the wider masses.[17] When asked whether he supported the "bourgeois right-wing", Adolf Hitler claimed that Nazism was not exclusively for any class, and he also indicated that it favoured neither the left nor the right, but preserved "pure" elements from both "camps", stating: "From the camp of bourgeois tradition, it takes national resolve, and from the materialism of the Marxist dogma, living, creative Socialism".[18]

Hitler distrusted capitalism for being unreliable due to its egotism, and he preferred a state-directed economy that is subordinated to the interests of the Volk.[19]

Hitler told a party leader in 1934, "The economic system of our day is the creation of the Jews."[19] Hitler said to Benito Mussolini that capitalism had "run its course".[19] Hitler also said that the business bourgeoisie "know nothing except their profit. 'Fatherland' is only a word for them."[20] Hitler was personally disgusted with the ruling bourgeois elites of Germany during the period of the Weimar Republic, who he referred to as "cowardly shits".[21]
So the Nazi's were not Socialist in the accepted sense but Nationalists who advocated only one class, the Volkish, in the Nation but not at the expense of all others.
I may as well be for the reasoned responsed I'll receive, @lokiuk indulges in polemics rather than debate.

Irony calls, and it wants your antisemitism back

Are you going to threaten to stab me as well, that's your level of debate

Or do you only threaten to stab people on this thread if you think they're Jewish ?
You can't discuss Palestine without looking at how the Nazis and Nazi ideology has both shaped the palestinians and even their relationship to Islam

Perhaps when you look past your bigotry and antisemitism, you can add something to this thread

There you go again with your baseless accusations of anti-semitism. It is the response of the ignorant, the defenceless fool with no moral basis, completely devoid of wit.

I held Jews up to be, as a rule, high achievers. Jews have been responsible for some of humanity's greatest achievements.

You are clearly the exception, an intellectual coward.
There you go again with your baseless accusations of anti-semitism. It is the response of the ignorant, the defenceless fool with no moral basis, completely devoid of wit.

I held Jews up to be, as a rule, high achievers. Jews have been responsible for some of humanity's greatest achievements.

You are clearly the exception, an intellectual coward.

You're just a coward, hiding behind a keyboard threatening to stab people

Are you one of Bravo Bravos sockies by the way?
There you go again with your baseless accusations of anti-semitism. It is the response of the ignorant, the defenceless fool with no moral basis, completely devoid of wit.

I held Jews up to be, as a rule, high achievers. Jews have been responsible for some of humanity's greatest achievements.

You are clearly the exception, an intellectual coward.

He did have one hell of a slugging percentage.....