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Gas Gas Gas

Past winners also returned to take part in the celebrations. They included Kees Moeliker, the discoverer of homosexual necrophilia in the mallard duck, and Dr Francis Fesmire, who devised the digital rectal massage as cure for intractable hiccups.

They make MDN and Five Alpha look like amateurs don't they?
duckula said:
Markintime said:
duckula said:
Of course the same priciple can be applied to g-strings etc, but for an entirly more sordid purpose :twisted:

Are you a Mallard?

Don't think so, quack :?

Past winners also returned to take part in the celebrations. They included Kees Moeliker, the discoverer of homosexual necrophilia in the mallard duck, and Dr Francis Fesmire, who devised the digital rectal massage as cure for intractable hiccups.

More a dullard than a Mallard it seems.
Markintime said:
duckula said:
Markintime said:
duckula said:
Of course the same priciple can be applied to g-strings etc, but for an entirly more sordid purpose :twisted:

Are you a Mallard?

Don't think so, quack :?

Past winners also returned to take part in the celebrations. They included Kees Moeliker, the discoverer of homosexual necrophilia in the mallard duck, and Dr Francis Fesmire, who devised the digital rectal massage as cure for intractable hiccups.

More a dullard than a Mallard it seems.

Oh, ha,ha, I see what you've done there, very good, very amusing
Markintime said:
duckula said:
Markintime said:
duckula said:
Of course the same priciple can be applied to g-strings etc, but for an entirly more sordid purpose :twisted:

Are you a Mallard?

Don't think so, quack :?

Past winners also returned to take part in the celebrations. They included Kees Moeliker, the discoverer of homosexual necrophilia in the mallard duck, and Dr Francis Fesmire, who devised the digital rectal massage as cure for intractable hiccups.

More a dullard than a Mallard it seems.

I thought Mallard was the born again Man from Uncle in NCIS, the one who plays, talks to dead people