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CapabilityatReadiness said:
Spelling has never been a strong point - thus FofS not YofS, come to think of it numbers are a bit shakey too.

Are you mental? Since when was spelling a Yeoman's forté? Remember the YofS was an operator in his previous life, whereas you needed to have about a billion GCSEs/OLevels to join up. Surely that means your spelling should be awesome, while the YofS just needs to plagiarise someone else's previous CEI and that's the basis for his next CR! :D
"Im not going out at this time of night to fix anything"

Phone rings............

"Yes Sir Im on my way.

Fofs returns to cradle and dials new number....

"Tech Cpl, can i borrow your toolbox as i forgot mine?"

Such professionalism and dedication to duty................
CaptainBlackadder said:
Haha - was once supervising a range package where the Foreman was zeroing....jesus christ.... - thought I was going to die!!!

Then you were supervising the range in the wrong position. Read your PAM and then you can rest assured that you will be in no danger of getting your position wrong.
"If I unplug this subset will it bring down the whole ptarmigan network?"

Christ, being a tech myself even I was embaressed, wanted to clothes line the stupid cnut. He's a captain now, result!
"Im not paid by the Queen to do green stuff"

"Hmmmm.......... Have you spoken to the YofS about that one."

"Good question. Hmmm. Look out behind you a bear!!"
foreman said:
A dying thread? I know we are good, but expected a few more bites than that...

Maybe an IS Engism thread might generate a bit more interest?

Bring it on!!! Hey, why do Pot FofS always carry a daysack with a carribena attached? Are you expecting to go climbing?
A Sqn FofS who shall remain nameless set up a PMA and then called us in the RSSST CP to talk about IR'ing the fact that he couldn't initiate a b'cast or conf. On looking inside it was because he had forgot to add his own DN.
Friday afternoon in the Tech Workshops, whilst splitting open some Herforder Handbags

New FofS just posted in - to a new L/cpl just posted in -

FOS - "Do you know what FOS stands for?"

New L/Cpl -" Yeah - Fook off Staff"

Nearly spilt me beer!!!