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Ark Royal?

four pages of questions - some rather good ones.

Interesting point about the £10,000 commission that EBay will want when it sells. Given that they are complete retards in every case that I've had to deal with them.....
four pages of questions - some rather good ones.

Interesting point about the £10,000 commission that EBay will want when it sells. Given that they are complete retards in every case that I've had to deal with them.....

I'd also worry about the possibility of somebody performing a counter wind-up. When you buy something on eBay, that draws you and the seller into a legal contract where they are obliged to supply the item. Somebody might find it funny to take it to the eBay claims thing and insist that they are supplied with an aircraft carrier, and they are not interested in having their money back.

If I had the capital, I would.